Living Arrows – 6/52 {2017}

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows. I am loving how many people have decided to make Living Arrows a part of their blogging routine for 2017, it is so lovely to have you all here. It’s definitely one of my favourite parts of each week!

If you haven’t joined in with Living Arrows before it’s is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took itโ€™s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, โ€œYou are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forthโ€ and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.

Each week I share two pictures from our week – one of each of our children – but you can share one or more pictures that capture a moment of childhood. The following week I’ll share my three favourite photos from the week before, linking back to the owner’s blogs.

So if you would like to link up, grab a badge and post around a photo of childhood from the previous week. I look forward to reading your posts and make sure you visit a few of the other posts that have linked up and leave a comment too!

Living Arrows

Here are a few of my favourite photos from last week:

Meme and Harri

The Smallest of Things

Little Fish

This week’s photos were taken on Saturday. LP was invited to a Young Driver session at a racecourse not too far from where we live. She got to drive an electric car with an instructor and then drove me round the course. It was a pretty amazing experience for her.

Living Arrows - 6/52 {2017}

Little Man loves Thomas more than anything else in the world and so he loves spending the last chunk of Saturday making a bit Take n Play train track around the lounge. Thomas may also have been on the TV at the same time. Little Man + Thomas = one happy boy.

I’m really looking forward to reading your posts this week. If I thought a lot of people joined in for the first week then I was amazed at the amount that joined last week! I’m going to keep commenting on all of the posts that link up and sharing my favourite photos each week. Thanks so much for taking part and for adding to this great little community we’re creating – make sure to go and comment on a few other posts at some point during the week too.

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  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Ahhh, a lovely pair of transport-y photos from you this week. That Young Driver course sounds fun, I think Dylan would love something like that. And I love that sandy faced photo that you chose from last week, it always makes me smile when I see kids really getting stuck into eating some sand. x

  2. Your children are so cute! What a lovely experience for your wee girl, never heard of something like that before!
    Thomas is always a winner in our house too! Along with Paw Patrol and Dora the Explorer!

  3. LP seems to be really concentrating on the racecourse I bet she loved it. Like your little man, Blake adores Thomas In fact all things trains.

  4. The driving lesson sounds like great fun! I bet she loved it. My eldest son is so into trains at the moment, he could play with them for hours.
    Thanks for hosting,
    Alana x

  5. Aww those photos are lovely. What a nice week. The Young Driver course sounds fun, I think my older two would love this. Might look into it for their birthday next year. Your photos and week always make me smile. I love seeing what you are all up to xx

  6. I have my sister booked in for a Young Driver experience soon. She is 15 though so I think she gets a proper car! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. The driving experience sounds brilliant – what a cool thing for LP to be able to do! And LM looks very happy with his trains – I can’t wait for the day that both of mine can manage to play quietly with something by themselves!

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