Little Man’s 1st Birthday

Last Saturday was Little Man’s 1st Birthday. I kept a tradition by writing him a letter that you can read here. I’ve always thought 1st Birthdays are a bit of a non-event – The baby doesn’t know what’s going on and the whole celebration is just for the parents BUT we had a barbeque with friends and family and even though Little Man didn’t have any idea what was going on, everyone else had a great time and loved celebrating Little Man’s very first Birthday.

Little Man's 1st Birthday

We bought a huge Costco cake, had loads of food – which Dave stood in the rain barbecuing, and there were children everywhere. When LP was one we didn’t know many children and so it was more of a grown up gathering with babies. Little Man’s birthday was filled with children, laughter and fun! It was a really, really lovely day.

Little Man's 1st Birthday

Little Man ate a huge amount of mini sausages, hardly slept and had a big bit of squishy Birthday cake. I think if he could talk he would have said he loved it! He was also spoilt with presents – A ball pool from his Grandparents was definitely the favourite of the day although the rest were opened after the party – Clothes, books, toys. He was one very lucky boy!

Little Man's 1st Birthday

I’m now getting used to the idea of having a one year old – He’s very nearly a toddler and growing so fast! For the next three months I have the joy of a one year old and two year old until LP turns three at the end of the Summer.

Little Man is now a whole year old!

Little Man's 1st Birthday


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Looks like a lovely day!!! He looks so grown up. The cake looks yummy too 🙂
    So lovely that you got to have a proper party with lots of kiddies running round.
    We have no idea what to get Arthur for his birthday!
    Did you do the party on his actual birthday? Arthur’s falls on a weekday so everyone is working 🙁 might be better to do it on a weekend but that seems like such a shame! X

  2. He’s so cute Donna! Glad you all had such a brilliant day and the cake looks awesome too. But he’s still a baby! I am still calling S (15 months) a baby!!) xx

  3. Aww, it looks like you all had a lovely day. We’re still not sure what to do for Toby’s birthday, it’s hard with all our family being so far away. And that cake looks amazing by the way!

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