Tomorrow LP starts Preschool

Today is the end of an era. The last day before preschool wake ups, 9am drop offs and term time and school holidays. Tomorrow LP has her very first day at Preschool and she cannot wait – in her mind she’s off to Monster School on a Hugglebike – Thanks Henry Hugglemonster.

This is going to be such an adventure for LP and we’re all looking forward to the new routine although it’ll take some getting used to. For the next two and a bit weeks, LP will be going to preschool from 9am – 10:30 am Monday to Friday, after that she’ll go her usual hours of 9am – 11:30am every day so she has two weeks to settle in before the hours increase.

On Monday we had LP’s class teacher and a teaching assistant come to our house for a new starter home visit. I had no idea what to expect but I needn’t have worried. The ladies were lovely and one chatted to LP and played with her whilst I answered a few questions they had to go through. They eased my concerns about LP going to the toilet at preschool – yes they’ll help her pull her trousers up and wipe her bum if she needs help. They also told me what to do with Little Man and the pushchair at drop off time and what to do if anyone else is picking LP up or dropping her off. They also explained sickness procedure and really just reassured me about everything – although I’m quite laid back anyway so didn’t have too many concerns.

Today I will be labelling up LP’s clothes and organising a bag of things to leave at preschool – wellies, change of clothes, spare underwear. Then I’ll be thinking about the last three years of time at home with LP, the amazing times we’ve had and the great adventures that LP has ahead of her.

I can’t wait to see what LP thinks of Preschool when she gets home tomorrow!

Tomorrow LP starts Preschool


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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