Dancing {The Ordinary Moments}
LP has an obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It has taken over from her love of Curious George and everything she does revolves around the MMCH characters – she acts out the stories, takes the cuddly toys to bed with her and recites the TV episodes whilst she watches them.
The one thing that she has gained from MMCH, apart from an american accent, is a love of dancing. There’s one song on the show, that LP loves more than any other and has to dance to. It’s this song from the ‘Minnie-rella’ episode.
Watching the TV show just isn’t enough. When the song comes on LP has to dance. First she would twirl by herself but then she moved on to needed Dave or I to dance with her, or even Little Man if he was willing.
This has now moved on so that even if the TV isn’t on LP will ask to dance. She used to just hold our hands and dance but now, as far as she is concerned, she is Minnie-rella and she needs us to hold her, with her arm around our waist and holding our other hand and dance ‘properly’. If we try to just hold her hands or if we don’t dance the way Mickey and Minnie do on the TV then she gets very upset!
So LP now loves to dance – although she needs us to dance along with her!
C used to love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so I was found most mornings singing and dancing to the hotdog song!
So sweet, that photo is adorable and I love how she is making you dance just like Minnie now! Isn’t it funny the things they take a liking too as they get older? These little things are what you will remember when she is older xx