Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

This year Britmums Live had a bit of a shake up. It was changed from two days to one, yet costing the same price, and squeezing everything we knew and loved about Britmums Live into just one day.

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

I admit, I hated the idea of the new format and I was annoyed at having to pay the same amount for less time at an event that I loved. But, because I love Britmums so much I had to go back and so I booked my ticket as soon as I could. Whatever the format I am sure that I will return year after year – it’s a highlight of the blogging calendar for me.

A few months ago I got the news that Slim Fast would be sponsoring me to attend and I arranged work and childcare so that I could stay in London for two nights, extending the time I could spend with my blogging friends and having the same length experience as usual.

I stayed at The Montcalm with Pamela which was amazing – for location if nothing else – and I was so excited for Britmums. Iโ€™d love to tell you that I spent the event learning new things and chatting to brands but in reality I spent it the best way I could – talking to other bloggers and celebrating everything that is being a blogger.

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16
Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

With Colette – and her trademark red lipstick and stripes! And with one of my closest friends, online and off, Pamela.

The whole day was long with registration leading straight into keynote speeches, a pass the parcel ice breaker which wasnโ€™t as exciting as last yearโ€™s Guinness World Record breaking achievement, and then tea breaks, sessions, lunch, sessions, tea breaks and more

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16
Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

With Stevie, Eilidh, Laura and Jenny – such awesome girls! And with my partner in crime, Emma and the lovely Martyn.

The whole day rolled into one. I went to one session, spoke to a few brands and ate cake and drank tea but mainly I spent it talking to bloggers – ones I had met before and ones that I had only ever spoken to online. For me, speaking to so many people was such a highlight and definitely the thing I love most about Britmums.

The end of the day was a blur of Cherry Healey, keynote speeches and drinks before the BiBs awards. I was a finalist in the Social Media category, and I didnโ€™t win, but having Carol Smilie read out my blog name, seeing my name on a big screen at the front and just knowing that so many bloggers were rooting for me to win means so much.

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16
Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

With Sarah and Eilidh.

The day was long, it went by in a blur, and before I knew it we were collecting our goodie bags and heading on our way. I really do hope that next year it goes back to two days with maybe a mid-morning start on the Friday and an earlier finish on the Saturday, making it easier for everyone to stay for the whole thing and still get there and get home.

This post doesnโ€™t have much detail, and itโ€™s full of selfies and not much else, but it sums up my Britmums experience. One that I loved, that I would do again tomorrow and one that I will remember for a long time.

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16
Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

With two lovely friends – Hayley and Emma (affectionately known as Brum!) and Laura who it was so lovely to meet for the first time.

Itโ€™s one where I felt a true part of the blogging community, one that left me so happy and one that has given me so much enthusiasm to keep doing what Iโ€™m doing but to try and do so much more too. I love blogging and I love the chances that we get to celebrate it too.

Thank you to all the people that made my day so awesome – if you came up and said hello I really do appreciate it. I hope you all had a great day too!

Britmums Live 2016 #BML16

With one of my most favourite people, Stevie – really wish she lived closer. 


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Good, honest reflections and I am in agreement with everything you say. I appreciate it would be more expensive to set up and run but I do feel BML benefits from being spread out over 1.5 days rather than one.

    Like you, my highlight is always the social. After being a bundle of nerves as a newbie last year it was lovely to return with a year’s experience under my belt and meet (and re-meet) fellow bloggers. It was a delight to finally meet you face-to-face and discover (no surprise at all) that you are just as warm and generous offline as online.

    I’m never singing in public again, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. “This post doesn’t have much details and is full of selfies but that sums up my Britmums experience” – love that!
    I had an utterly exhausting but fabulous weekend. There’s definitely things about the scheduling I’d have changed but I still learned, loved and laughed – which says it all.

  3. It was such an experience! I am also going to blog on & I shall have to make a real effort to find you & say hi, I did see you a few times but usually as I was off in another direction & you were chatting. ???? Hope you’re home safely now! The Montcalm looked divine.

  4. LOVE this and you know you are one of my most favourite people too, was amazing to meet you at last. Considering I talk to you every single day, it was just weird that we hadn’t actually met. Thanks for looking after me yesterday and for being a blinking amazing friend!

    Stevie xx

  5. I am so glad you and Stevie finally got the chance to meet up. I have never been to Britmums but seeing all the fun everyone was having on social media yesterday, I am definitely going next year. Great pictures Donna which sums up what a fab day you had x

    1. I can’t believe you were there with Donna. I was sat at the same table at the beginning, so obviously just didn’t twig it was you (and Stevie!). Durr.

  6. I was reading everybodys comments and followed bloggers on instagram who went to the event yesterday and I couldn’t believe how quick the day passed and was thinking that it wasn’t this quick last year. But it makes sense now after you saying that they reduced it to one day. I find that bizarre. Especially when bloggers come from all over the UK. I would have traveled from Ireland. It’s not worth the travel to go for just one night for me then. But I am still thinking of attending next year. There are some lovely bloggers out there (including you) who I would love to meet personally.

  7. I’ve looked at all the pics over social media this weekend and have been really kicking myself for not getting a ticket!
    It sounds like you had a great time and I hope to be joining you all next year! Xx

  8. Having never been I have nothing to compare it too & i’m hoping to go next year. There must have felt a huge difference having it all crammed into the one day – do you feel you missed on lots because there just wasn’t enough time? 1.5 days sounds better to me.
    That aside it does look like you had lots of fun with everyone though ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I think there was still enough time to do everything but if you focused on learning and doing everything on offer there wouldn’t be enough time to socialise too.

  9. Was good to have a brief hi. I’m impressed with all your selfies. I never take pictures of me with people, or just other people. I really should do as it’s great for memories. I’m with you on the 2 day, and yes being able to get out earlier on the Saturday would be good, although I guess some people prefer the Friday afternoon so some only need to take a half day from work.

  10. Oh I was so jealous seeing everyone’s pictures on Instagram yesterday. I’m definitely going to try and pluck up the courage to go next year!!! Xx

  11. Sounds like a fab weekend. I was a bit gutted in the run up to Britmums that I wouldn’t be there but I’m hoping to be there next year as usual. Looking forward to seeing you at Blog On.

  12. I think the best things about these events is always meeting everyone, being able to put a face to the name and I’m glad you got to see so many people and have a good catch up. Just a shame that the conference didn’t offer much more than that! I like seeing all the selfies anyway, lots of happy faces ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  13. Hey bab! Lovely to see you there! I had a great time and I kinda liked it being one day as I found the whole two day thing a bit much but I think that is as I was always coming straight from work on a Friday. I find BritMums gets better the more times you go. You chill a bit. Saying that? I am still dead now two days later!!! LOVE YOU! BRUM xxxxxx

  14. That’s fabulous that you got so many selfies. I miss the 2 day concept too but like you, wanted to attend anyway as I would never want to miss it. Well done on having your name read out, it’s still a mahoosive achievement. Great blog post x

  15. Aw thanks for the meniton lovely! It was so good to actually meet you! You’re great! But you already knew that! I agree with all the points that you saI’d on the good and bad. Gutted you didn’t win too! But was lovely nonetheless! Hopefully we can catch up and hang out again soon!

  16. Donna you’re like a blogging celeb, everyone wanted to meet you and spend time with you, gutted I didn’t see more of you! Glad you had such a fab time and so glad you came to join us on the Friday night. Was loving seeing you.

    I’m gutted you didn’t win on Saturday night, I honestly believe you deserved it. You’re our winner xx

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