
26 and a bit weeks

I am now 26 weeks pregnant – 27 weeks this coming Sunday. Belly-Baby apparently weighs 900g and is about 35cm long. Oh how I love pregnancy related apps on my phone, admittedly not as much as I loved them first time around – BabyCentre was my home for the entire pregnancy, this time it’s more of a distant friend I check in with now and again – usually on a Sunday to find out what Baby’s doing this week!

I officially have 5 weeks left of work. I am finding working generally, traveling to and from meetings and especially the days I have to get LP up and ready and to the childminder a real struggle. Everything is exhausting! I am honestly more tired now that I was when LP was born. No-one tells you how hard your second pregnancy will be – and I’ve had it easy compared to most! No sickness or other pregnancy related issues. It’s been a breeze really!

I am starting to need the toilet every five minutes during the day – two toilet trips for every cup of tea I drink! Luckily this hasn’t reached the night time yet, so I can still sleep all night without my bladder alarm clock going off! Long may that continue.

On the positive side of things, I love my pregnant body! I have never felt so attractive and womanly as I do when pregnant. I am so proud of my body and what it is capable of doing and I am really trying to savour this pregnancy – I know that this will be the last time I experience all this and I am glad of that – I think each time you go through pregnancy the harder it must become, but part of me feels bitter-sweet – that I won’t feel a baby kick in my belly again, that I won’t be able to stroke my expanding tum fondly and that my boobs will never be this great ever again! But every family has to stop somewhere and this is definitely the right stopping point for us.

As always, I am focusing on a lot of things at the moment – I am far too organised! Our main projects are sorting out the house ready for the new arrival – we need an extractor fan desperately in the bathroom, and at the same time we want to get some plastering/skimming done to give the bathroom a mini make over. We’re also getting everything together to sort LP’s Big Girl room and have put aside a couple of weekends between now and Belly-Baby’s arrival to get the decorating done.

On that note, March and April mark a huge milestone for me – two weekends where LP will stay with her Nanna and Gramps overnight. The first time she has slept away from Dave and I. She will be 19 months by then and it is an incredibly big thing for me. What if she won’t settle? What if she starts teething again? What if she just can’t sleep? I’m not worried about her missing us, she’s always fine with other people, her Grandparents especially – After Dave and I, LP loves her Grandparents the most! We have also worked so hard on her sleeping pattern over the last few months that her sleeping shouldn’t really worry me, but we’ve never had to put her sleeping to the test in a different environment, without Dave or I being there. But it has to happen sooner or later! I have the decorating to distract me, and Dave and I will probably make the most of it with a takeaway, movie, early night and a lay in on the Sunday!

26 and a bit weeks


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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