Reception – Done!

Your first child starting school is such a huge thing. When LP started reception in September I worried because she was so little and because she was a summer baby – the youngest in her year.

Reception - Done!

This year has gone so quickly and yet LP has learnt so much. At the start of the year she couldn’t hold a pen, couldn’t write any letters and didn’t know anything at all academic. We had focused on having as much fun as possible before she started school and thought that learning could wait – and a year later we realise we were right, those early years should be all about fun and learning can wait until they’re at school.

A year on and LP can write her name – and so many other names too. She can read basic words and she has a good guess at harder ones. She can count, can do some times tables and is the most creative person I know – who knew you could make so much from the contents of the recycling bin?!

This year has been a year where LP has been initiated into the academic world. After the summer there will be less fun at school and more learning, she won’t just be starting out and will instead be a fully fledged school girl and this year has shown me that there really is nothing to worry about. Our Little Pickle can hold her own, she can keep up with her classmates in every aspect and she never stops smiling whilst she’s doing it.

All the teachers and other children adore LP. She makes them smile – and they always tell me just how lovely she is. I read her first proper school report in tears – I was expecting her to be behind at least in some areas, needing to focus on things before September, but she was on track for absolutely everything and it was clear that she is just such a credit to us. We couldn’t be more proud. But really, LP should just be so proud of herself.

As a summer born baby children are often starting off on a back foot, being told that they’re younger, smaller and a whole year behind their September born classmates. But, in LP’s case, this hasn’t shown at all – apart from some little blips at the start of the year. She has thrown herself fully into school, literally bouncing into class each day and has given it her all. From Christmas plays to sports day – she has given Reception everything she has – and she has got so much back from it.

Yes, LP has learnt so much but she has also made lasting friends and left an imprint on her teachers too. Now, Reception is done and I am looking forward to spending the summer with the little girl that I have missed so much this year. The holidays cannot last long enough.

Reception - Done!


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. My oldest daughter has just finished reception too. She is also a summer born and also wears yellow! I feel so many of the things you do. I was totally unprepared for how emotion the end of the first year would be. I think I have shed as many tears this summer as last! Wishing you the most fabulous summer holidays!

  2. It sounds like your girl has done so well…You must be very proud…
    I have a summer born baby. My youngest’s birthday is the 29th of August. They do grow up so fast…Especially that first year at school x

  3. Well done LP! What proud parents you should be, you can’t ask anymore of your child and she has done brilliantly. Alice starts school in September and isn’t even 4 yet and I do worry about it, but I also know she is ready and its the right thing to send her. Reading this has helped me know we have made the right decision x

  4. Aw bless her, I’m so glad she’s getting on so well. My eldest is a similar sort of character, eager to please and giving everything she’s got to whatever she’s doing. I think the two of them would get on really well.

  5. I think every school year goes so quick especially reception as it is a whole new routine. LP sounds as if she has had a fantastic year and she should be very proud of herself. It really gets my goat when every year you hear in the press about summer born babies who are more likely to be behind etc. My summer born baby threw himself into school just like LP, and he is flying high in top sets in year 9 now x

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