Have a Healthy Pregnancy with Sea-Band | AD

*This is a paid post

I loved pregnancy with both LP and Little Man but, it was a time when I was given so much advice by different people as well as reading so much online. It was such an exciting time but was often one of confusion, with so much conflicting advice!

Have a Healthy Pregnancy with Sea-Band

To help guide the way through pregnancy, Sea-Band have invited Gill Perks, an experienced practicing midwife, to give her top tips for the pregnancy journey:

  • It is safe for women to exercise when pregnant and recommended that all try and have about 2.5 hours of moderate intensity activity spread throughout the week. Women who are used to exercise before pregnancy can maintain their level of activity in pregnancy as long as they are comfortable – however, be sure not to try anything new or more strenuous than usual.
  • Some foods should be avoided in pregnancy. Always wash fruit and vegetables carefully before consumption. Guidance has recently changed and runny eggs are safe to eat if they have the Lion Mark. Avoid unpasteurised and unripe cheeses, pâté and do not eat more than two tins of tuna fish per week as well as avoiding shark, marlin and swordfish. Caffeine should only be drunk in moderation, beware of caffeine in coca cola too, and alcohol should be avoided altogether.
  • Wear gloves when gardening or changing cat litter to protect your baby from toxoplasmosis. Wash your hands before you put anything in your mouth!
  • It’s really important that friends and family offer lots of support in pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks, when expectant mothers can feel extremely tired and especially if suffer from morning sickness. If possible, having other people do the shopping and cooking can make enjoying foods easier and allows you to rest.
  • Avoid tight, restrictive clothing, particularly around the waistline. Pregnancy is a time to make yourself as comfortable as possible! Varicose veins can also appear during pregnancy, so avoid standing around for long periods and consider support stockings. See your GP if the problem persists.
  • Write a birth plan, even better call this ‘birth preferences’ and share with everyone who will be involved with the birth. This should ideally be ready by about 36 weeks when a pregnant woman can expect to have an opportunity to discuss her birth preferences with a midwife and perhaps visit their chosen birth setting. The birth preferences should include who you will want with you during labour and birth and the types of comfort measures you would like, for example, massage, labouring in water or gas and air. Of course, it is normal that some of these preferences may change during labour and you are free to change your mind! Some thought and consideration of preferences can be really helpful prior to the labour itself.
  • When people offer you help with your new baby say “yes please, bring me a meal!”

For many pregnant women, morning sickness isn’t just confined to the morning and in some cases it can last all day. Sea-Bands may help to reduce feelings of nausea and can help reduce vomiting too and so it makes complete sense that Sea-Band would create a Pregnancy Toolkit to help guide women through their pregnancy journey and I’m sure it will be a go-to resource for so many pregnant women.

Have a Healthy Pregnancy with Sea-Band

For more information about Sea-Band make sure you visit their website and both adult and child Sea-Bands are available from Boots priced £8.59.


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. For long car journeys, I can manage about an hour or two if I dont eat much before we leave otherwise I get sick. Not great for the summer holidays and days out.

  2. As a family, we love to travel but I’m always cautious that the kids will get sick whether that’s from the ship, car,train or plane, so these are very ideal! 🙂

  3. My grandson gets terrible travel sickness
    It’s a real worry as he frets before we set off
    We do go prepared it’s not just long journeys that effect him
    We have tried the tablets by found they made him drowsy which
    We really didn’t like ,
    So I’d liv to try these out it really would mak3 journeys less stressful

  4. My son suffers terribly from travel sickness and has a long school coach trip coming up so maybe these could help

  5. As a sufferer off travel sickness since a young age i would love these, were visit family quite regular which involves a 3 hour car journey each way and its awful, we would be able to plan more long distance days out with the children too!

  6. I suffered with terrible car sickness up until I learnt how to drive when I was 17, but since I had my twins in 2011 the car sickness has returned so am hoping these would help with travelling long distances!

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