Happy Birthday Little Man!
We started a tradition with LP. Every year on her Birthday we write to her and we will do the same thing for Little Man, every year on his Birthday.
Today Little Man turns one, and this is for him.
10th May 2014
To our Little Man,
Today is your Birthday, your very first Birthday. It feels like yesterday you came into the world – in such a rush – 16 days early and only in a couple of pushes, you couldn’t wait to be born and the year since has flown by.
You got your first teeth at 5 month and now your smile shows five teeth and more on their way. Your smile lights up the room and makes us smile too. Even when you’re being cheeky and naughty we try to tell you off gently but you just smile and make us laugh.
You adore your sister and it’s lovely to see the two of you together, you following her around the room, watching her constantly and always trying to play with her. She isn’t the most tolerant but she’s getting better and she loves you just as much as you love her she just finds it hard to have her space invaded and her toys played with – She’ll get used to you Little Man, I promise.
You are a solid little thing, in the right size clothes for your age and not fat at all, just chunky and solid. You have chunky feet and dimples in your knuckles. You’re the complete opposite of your dainty, petite sister and already weigh the same amount as her.
You love your food and have an amazing appetite. Your favourite things are definitely pasta, sausages and red meat. You can literally eat until bursting and we are just starting to introduce bowls and plates – it will be a while before you’re using cutlery though!
You still have one or two feeds a day – before you go to bed and when you wake up if it’s too early for breakfast. These feeds will be switched over to cows milk within the next couple of weeks and we’ve already given you a couple of drinks of milk to see how you find it and you’ve loved it – No complaints there.
Your sleep is getting so much better and you have now slept through on and off for a couple of weeks – Mummy and Daddy feel brand new after 11.5 months of 3-4 hour wake ups! You have kept us on our toes but have spent the year growing and learning, I haven’t minded the night feeds and constant wake ups because I knew you would grow out of them in your own time and I’m pleased that you chose that time yourself.
Little Man, you are an absolute joy. You completed our family perfectly last year and we spent the year getting to know you, watching you grow and watching your bond with your sister develop. Now, a year after you were born it feels like you have always been here, we are a solid family unit and you are a huge part of that.
You will always be our Little Man, our baby, but you are growing so, so quickly. The last year is a blur but the one thing that stands out is your smile, your laughter and your amazingly good cuddles. You’ve had your first holiday already – two of them actually and your first Christmas.
Soon you will have your first hair cut – Your sister hasn’t even had one of those yet! As well as your first pair of shoes. I’ll be going back to work and you’ll have some quality time with your Nanny as well as days with Daddy! It’s a whole new chapter for all of us.
Today is your first Birthday and the last year of having you in my life, alongside our Little Pickle, has been the best year yet. I promise, the years will just keep getting better.
Happy Birthday Little Man,
With love,
Mummy and Daddy x
Ahhh you can feel the love and emotion in this letter Donna!
Happy birthing to your little man – I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating xx
This makes me tear up! Happy birthday Little Man from all of us in Canada!