Happy 6th Birthday Little Man!

Dear Little Man

Every year I say this, and every year it’s the same – how are you so big already? How can you possibly be six when you were only turning five two minutes ago. You my youngest, my baby. Because of this I think that everything with you seems to go so much quicker. And just like that you are six. Happy birthday my wonderful boy.

This year hasn’t been a big year for you really. You haven’t had the speech therapy that last year brought with it, you didn’t start school like last year either. Instead it’s been a year of routine, of learning and of so much fun. Five has been so, so good to you.

This year saw you start Year 1 at school and learn to read properly. Your favourite thing now is learning facts – finding out where different places are in the world, learning about space and talking about what it would be like if you had a dinosaur for a pet. You have a huge mind and I love seeing it fill with information, excitement and interests.

You are still a very sweet, good natured little boy. You love Thomas with no sign of that stopping. Lego is stiff competition for Thomas though but really you just love to build. You love any kind of construction toys, you love to draw and create things and you love to learn. You enjoy really simple pleasures in life.

You are now noticeably taller than your sister – but you weigh exactly the same. You are in age 5-6 clothes and you are just moving up into size 12 shoes. You look very much like an average just-turning-six year old to me. But really you are anything but average.

Little Man, you give the best cuddles. Every morning you climb into bed with me and we have five minutes of cuddles that are just the best way to start the day. You are very emotional and you get upset easily but you are also so happy, so funny and just a joy to be around.

This year you have stepped out of your comfort zone more than I expected you to. You started Multi Sports club after school which you absolutely love and it’s reinforced for me how much you love a routine. You love knowing that Tuesday is Multi Sports day, that you have to take your kit bag with you and that you get to take a snack to school too. You love doing the same things on the same days and Multi Sports has been a great way for you to mix with new people too.

You also started new swimming lessons this year that I thought might make you wobble but if anything it’s pushed you to show the new teachers exactly what you can do. You swim like a fish and I am so proud of you.

Last summer we went to Florida and you announced it was the best holiday ever. You want to go back again as soon as we can and you cried when we left the villa on our last day. You get so attached to everything and you give everything so much of yourself that it’s always hard for you when things like holidays come to an end.

Little Man, there is nothing in life you cannot do. If you put your mind to something then I know you’ll succeed – whether it’s the 9+ Lego set you got for Christmas, the 150 piece puzzle or the creation made from the contents of the recycling bin that look exactly like what you wanted them to look. I hope that this urge to succeed stays with you in life and that you know that you can be and do anything that you want. I look forward to seeing where the years take you.

You are our favourite boy. You make us happy, you make us proud and you show us a new way to look at every single thing in life. You are an absolute joy and I am holding on to every single bed cuddle, every time your hand ends up in mine and every single bedtime story that you and Daddy read together. The years are so short and I know that you don’t want to grow up as much as I want you to stay this way forever.

PJ Masks

But you’re not Peter Pan. You are our beautiful Little Man and you are now six. I think this is going to be a great year for you and I am looking forward to being by your side every single step of the way.

Happy Birthday Little Man

We love you.

Mummy and Daddy x


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Ah, a belated Happy Birthday to him! This is a beautiful post, so many lovely photos too. My Little Man is in year 1, too, and I’d swear he was still a toddler – where does the time go? x

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