How Did We Get Here? {The Ordinary Moments}

Welcome back to another week of the Ordinary Moments. If you haven’t joined in before this is a weekly linky that launches every Sunday morning and is open until midnight on the following Saturday. It’s a linky that celebrates any ordinary moments in your life – or the not so ordinary some weeks too. Basically – anything goes. I’ll be sharing and commenting on the posts that are linked up during the week and there’s a badge at the bottom of the post if you’d like to add it to yours too.

How Did We Get Here? {The Ordinary Moments}

I was laying in bed with Little Man a couple of days ago just before he went to sleep, like we always do each evening, and as we lay there, looking up at the ceiling, he started showing me the shapes he knew, tracing them above him in the air with his finger.

I had a flashback to when he was tiny, when LP wasn’t even two and the nights where I would bath her whilst rocking or feeding a tiny baby. Where he wouldn’t let me put him down and where I would try to feed him constantly through LP’s bath and bed routine – unless he had magically decided to nap at that point which was always like something amazing shining down on us.

Those evenings were so long and after LP went to bed – quite easily really – I would spend the next hours feeding, rocking, winding and holding a tiny baby. Those hours seemed to take forever and as much as I loved holding my baby, feeling his little body warm against me and hearing those little noises he’d make when feeding it didn’t make those evenings any easier.

But slowly things got easier and suddenly we are here. We are here at this point where LP goes off to her bedroom and sits on her bed reading a book until we’ve said good night to Little Man. She can actually read books and will sit laughing to herself, reading with such expression and really enjoying every page that she reads.

Little Man will lay with us for a few minutes, having a cuddle and making random statements – what he’d like for lunch the next day, what he thought Daddy might like for his birthday and the TV shows his school friends like to watch.

Then I go and say goodnight to his sister before going downstairs, listening to him chat on his baby monitor – practicing his letter sounds, counting and singing ten green bottles to himself until he falls asleep.

I have no idea how we got here. How bedtime got to be so easy and how we got to have our evenings back. But life is now pretty clockwork, bedtimes are easy and we’re all happy. But it’s only when you sit back and realise how far you’ve come that you can appreciate how different things are. Bedtime is easy now. It’s nice, it’s fun and it’s one of our happy times.

The Ordinary Moments

If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up – I’m looking forward to reading the moments that you share and will comment and share them on Twitter through the course of the week. Thanks so much for taking part!

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  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. It’s strange isn’t it, how one minute they are a struggle and then you realise that you’ve turned a corner and those struggles are behind you. Our bedtime has turned a corner over the last few months and is now easy, routine led and mostly enjoyable x

  2. Aww I enjoyed reading this post Donna. I need to stop and think about how far things have come sometimes too, especially when things seem hard now it’s great to look back and see how much easier it is than it used to be! Your evenings sound lovely and how wonderful that LP can read to herself now, I am hoping that Libby will be able to do that soon.

  3. So pleased to hear you have turned a corner, it’s funny how it just happens isn’t it? I hope that you get to enjoy the new routine for a while yet. Hugs xx

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