Me & Mine {August 2018}

Oh August. August may be my favourite month ever. I can’t even remember what we spent the first couple of weeks doing but we spent the last couple of weeks in America – where we still are – exploring Florida and everything Orlando has to offer.

Me & Mine {August 2018}
Me & Mine {August 2018}

The children are the perfect age for this trip and it makes everything so full of magic. Plus, staying in a villa has meant that we’ve had a great mix of days out and adventures but a lot of down time too.

Me & Mine {August 2018}
Me & Mine {August 2018}

We’ve been to every Disney park – some more than once – and have met the majority of the Disney characters. The children have autograph books and have left space to stick photos of each character when we get home. LP’s face when she met Merida, Ariel and Anna was an absolute picture and something I will remember for my lifetime – all she wanted was to meet ginger princesses and she really got that wish.

Me & Mine {August 2018}
Me & Mine {August 2018}

It has been so nice to spend quality time as a family – with Dave’s parents too – and to have a solid chunk of time away from work. Since working from home I’ve had the luxury of being at home with the children every school holiday, every weekend and every evening after school. But, I have still always had work to do and always had emails to reply to but I have switched off massively this holiday. Also, Dave only gets the standard amount of time off work so it’s been so nice to have him with us for such a good chunk of time and I know we’ll miss him when he’s back to work next week.

Me & Mine {August 2018}

The children are back to school in a few short days, with a transatlantic flight in the middle of it. It will be so weird to leave this holiday bubble and come home. Back to work, back to school and back to reality. This summer, and this August, really has been the best one yet and I know that September just can’t compete. Thanks August, you’ve been awesome.

Me & Mine {August 2018}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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One Comment

  1. Wow you have been in America for a long time. I thought it was only like a weeks trip. Lucky you. 🙂 We are planning Disney in two years time. The kids will be 5 and 7 then which makes them a great age. Hopefully the day back to school wasn’t too hard for them. Lovely family photos.

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