My 2015 Blogging Resolutions
Every year I set myself little goals of things I would like to achieve and this year is no different. I have a Bucket List of things I want to tick off in our family life but I also wanted to set a few blogging goals for the year too. So here are a few things I’ll be aiming for this year:
- To go to at least one more blogging conference than last year – This is hard as I work every Friday/Saturday but I loved BritMums last year and am looking forward to it again BUT I also really felt like I missed out now going to Blog On or BlogCamp or any of the others that were on last year. So, I’d like to go to something else this year too!
- Read more blogs – I started reading blogs last january after about 6 months of blogging properly and have slowly been adding to my Bloglovin list to create a catalogue of blogs I love BUT I would love to find more to read. If you have any suggestions please do let me know them 🙂
- Create Twitter lists – I would like to use Twitter more but just don’t have the time so I would like to create Twitter Lists to help me read the tweets from the people that are most important to me, keep up to date with them and socialise with them – I miss being able to tweet as much as I would like to.
- Have time off – I don’t mean having a week off every so often, but even a night off once a week or fortnight would be lovely but this year whenever I have had a night off from blogging I have felt pressure to do more before or after to catch up. This year I will be turning the laptop off a little bit more often and not feeling guilty about it.
- Reply to every email – This is something I started doing a month or so ago. I get a lot of emails about my blog now and I used to always hit delete but now I have started to reply to them and quite a few turn into conversations or alternative offers of collaborations. On top of that, thanking someone for their email is just good manners and I like to be polite.
- Be more organised – I know, I know. Those who know me will think I am a bit of an organisation demon – I love being organised, but there are ways that I have found my organisation could be better – I need to start keeping track of my email agreements more: Have I agreed to something? What is it? Have I received it? Do I need to chase it? I also need to try and keep track of my blogging contacts so am making a spreadsheet so I can see these at a glance. I think spreadsheets will be my friend in 2015!
- Join in more linkies – I love linkies for keeping my blog going in the right direction and giving me regular content that is fun to write and take photos for. I already have my favourite linkies that I’ll continue to take part in but am also going to be joining in with #LittleLoves and Point + Shoot this year too!
- Check broken links regularly – Every month I am going to check broken links on my blog. A little bit of bloggy admin that I don’t do often enough and really should start!
So there you have it, a few of my blogging goals for the year. Have you set yourself any blogging resolutions or blogging goals?
I need to do more Twitter lists too. I have some and they make me use Twitter in a much better way. I too want to join in more Linkys and want to comment on and read more blogs 🙂
I’m rubbish at twitter lists too. Do they have two BlogCamps each year? x