7 Ways to Start Saving Money | AD

*This is a collaborative guest post

Budgeting and debt management can be two difficult things. It seems like there is never enough money coming in, but always too much going out. 

When struggling with debt it is time to make changes to get your finances back on track. Below, debt help experts Creditfix have provided their top tips on how to start saving money. 

Whether seeking advice on removing a ccj from your credit file to information on the latest debt solutions, Creditfix have helped thousands of people in financial trouble.

1. Budgeting

Start by looking at your whole financial picture. You will be able to see where you can make cuts in some areas to free up more money for others. A budget is a simple way for you to figure out exactly what you need, what you have, and where it is going. 

Budgeting will help you to better understand your money, how much you are spending, where it is coming from, and what bills need to be paid soon. Budgeting gives you a visual representation of all the important information so that you can make adjustments where necessary.

2. Set goals

Take a moment to look at all of your bills and how much you are spending on each. Are there any areas that you can cut back on? You may discover that you spend too much in restaurants or groceries. 

Look for ways to reduce the amount of money you are spending every month. If it is not necessary, then stop buying it all together. Find areas where you can start saving instead of spending.

3. Budget for your goals

Now that you have listed all of the bills and necessary monthly expenditures, it is time to look at how much money you can put towards other things such as savings. Take a moment to write out a list of financial goals that will allow you to put some away for a rainy day and take advantage of the free money programs out there.

Budgeting for your goals will help you to know how much you can save every month and it will also give you a guide when shopping or spending money in general. Budgeting is always better than just winging it when spending your money, so set yourself up for success by following a budget. Budgeting is a good way to keep track of the money that you have and help you to save more in the long run.

4. Budget for savings

You should look at your budget and see how much you can put away towards different things such as retirement and emergency funds. It might be as much as 5% of your monthly income that you can put towards savings, or it could be just enough to cover the cost of your lunch at work. 

Budgeting for savings is a good way to start saving for big things that you know are coming up down the road. Budgeting will also help ensure that there is money set aside later on to pay for the things you want to do, but do not have the money for right now.

5. Budget for debt

Now that you have your savings set up, it is time to look at your budget and start paying down debt. Budgeting for debt will ensure that you are putting money aside towards any amount of credit card or student loan debt, so there is no reason not to take care of it immediately. 

Budgeting every month ensures that even if you do not owe a lot on your loans, you can still put money towards them and pay them off as quickly as possible. Budgeting for debt is the best way to take care of any monthly bills so that they are paid on time and in full. 

6. Budget as a family

You might find it useful as a family to sit down and decide how much money you can put towards savings, debt, and spending money. Budgeting as a family is a great way to be sure that everyone in the household understands the budget and how much they can spend at any given time. Use prepaid cards for kids to manage
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Budgeting as a family is useful because it puts everyone on the same page about their finances and ensures that no one will end up running into debt or going without by accident. Budgeting as a family is a good way of setting everyone on the same page and helping each member feel more involved in their finances.

7. Budget for spending money

Now that you have your budget set up, you may want to take some time to look at how much you can put towards eating out or buying new clothes. This is important, because you should always have some sort of “fun” money set aside each month. Budgeting for spending money ensures that you never overspend on fun things like going to the movies or grabbing a quick lunch with friends. Budgeting for spending money is an easy way to ensure that your fun money is set aside at the beginning of each month for these types of expenses. This ensures that you always have enough money to do what you want while also taking care of your other financial obligations. 

If you’re ready to start saving money, follow these tips. By budgeting at the beginning of each month and setting monthly goals, you can make sure that you have enough money saved for both your short-term and long-term needs. And don’t forget to budget for debt repayment as well! When everyone in the family pitches in and takes on a budgeting challenge, it becomes easier to meet your financial goals.


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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