Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

I am so pleased to be kicking off the year co-hosting The Ordinary Moments with Katie. It has been one of my favourite linkies pretty much since I started blogging and I have joined in religiously, with The Ordinary Moments helping to keep my blog about the things that I started blogging to record in the first place. If you want to start recording these little ordinary moments too – feel free to join in, add the badge and link up at the bottom of the post and find some other lovely blogs to read too.

Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

Since Christmas we have been trying to get out and about as much as possible, making the most of the dry, sunny weather to have some time outdoors. Some days have been bitterly cold but we have made the most of our National Trust membership to go on some lovely winter walks.

Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}
Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

In previous years we have been fair weather outdoors types. We have stayed inside pretty much from October to March and have then lived outdoors, doing as much as we possibly can. But this winter we decided to make the most of any dry days and get our on as many little adventures as possible.

Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}
Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

These trips are often just an hour or two, wandering around woodland or the grounds of an old house followed by a warming drink and a slice of cake before heading home. It’s all we need to make us feel refreshed, get colour in our cheeks and smiles on our faces. You really can’t beat time outside, together, to make you feel more alive and ready for anything.

Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

The children love time outside too and love playing games and exploring together. They’re always happier when they’re together and seeing them both, with little red noses and their wooly hats on, holding hands or chasing each other, makes me so happy. Winter may not be our favourite time, and now that Christmas is over we are definitely willing spring to arrive, but we are making the most of these winter days even if it’s purely to grab an hour or two together.

Winter Walks {The Ordinary Moments}

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  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I do like a nice winter walk and you’re right, it’s definitely worth the effort. We were going to head out today actually but it’s rather foggy and damp here. You have some gorgeous photos there Donna.

  2. Yay! So pleased to see you co-hosting The Ordinary Moments Donna. I’ve loved reading both yours and Katie’s posts last year. We’re hoping to get out more this year, although it’s really drizzly here today and I’m full of cold so we’re having a lazy PJ day!

    Lovely photographs of the children Donna, such gorgeous kids x

  3. When it’s cold outside I always hesitate about going out, but as soon as I do I love it! The boys don’t seem to care if it’s cold and love having a run around. I love Nat Trust too, we have the Vyne near us which is great to let them run free! Looking forward to linking up xx

  4. Hi,
    We love walks and getting outdoors too, I love taking pictures of my little ginger beauty when the colours are so autumnal it looks amazing!
    I would love to join the ordinary moments but I’m a complete blogging newby and have no idea how to get the badge on my page and link up etc.. Any help would be appreciated
    Lauren xx

    1. You just pick a post that fits the theme – any ordinary moments of your life – and add the badge code on the ‘HTML/Text’ part in the editor when you’re writing the post – but the badge is optional, if you can’t get it to work don’t worry about it 🙂 You then just pop back to my post and add your post’s link at the end 🙂 Would love to have you joining in x

  5. Ah such lovely photos Donna. I used to be a hibernate kind of a girl too but have in the past few years made the most of the outside at all times of the year – well unless it is raining that is, then I can be found inside with a cup of tea! x

  6. Lovely pictures Donna. National trust is wonderful for getting out with the kids and walking in beautiful places ..its most certainly worth the money! Glad to have you as a host – I am a regular Ordinary Moments girl! x

  7. Gorgeous photos – you can’t beat a good walk in the winter. I’m so excited to be linking up this year – I love anything that records everyday life with the littles! xx #ordinarymoments

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