Ways to Instill Self Love and Confidence in Your Children Early | AD

*This is a collaborative guest post

As parents, we want our children to be our babies forever. Holding them and nurturing them were a few of the many things that put us in a state of pure joy, but we all knew that it wouldn’t last long.

In knowing that our babies would soon be growing up, we did everything in our power to teach them, and guide them in the right direction to being overall good people. Now, we’re not perfect, and we may have slipped up from time to time, but we try our best to be good role models for our little ones.

It wasn’t too bad when they went to nursery. During that phase, they loved everyone, and every child was their friend. The only scuffles you had to worry about were over cookies, play time and nap times. But other than that, your little one was worry-free, without a care in the world.

Once your not-so-little kids start school things start getting real. This is the time when your children need you most. They’re independent, and discovering themselves, just like other kids, so you do your best to raise them in a way that will not only make you proud, but will also make themselves proud too.

Now one thing to keep in mind is that, just because you make extra effort to raise your children to be good, decent human beings, that doesn’t mean all other parents have the same mindset as you. That reason alone is why you need to make it a point to instill confidence and self love in your kids daily.

Kids can be quite mean sometimes whether they realise it or not, so it’s always a good thing to prepare your children for the good, bad, and ugly. Doing so allows them to be able to handle whatever may be thrown at them. They’ll be able handle a situation with confidence, and love themselves enough to not let what other people say or do get to them.

You won’t be able to protect them all the time, of course, and some things will get to them, but at least you’ve equipped them with the necessary tools so that it won’t break them. Of course you love your kids, but let’s instill in them a little self love and confidence to get them ready for the world.

Love Your Child

Okay this one is a no brainer, and can probably go without mention, but love is the ultimate gift you can give your child. We don’t always get it right, but we do love them. Feeling loved and accepted at home is a biggie. The love should start at home, and their friends and classmates can join the love, but home is the building blocks to the foundation of love and confidence.

Praise Your Child

It’s perfectly fine to give your kid praise when praise is due. It’s just like when your child first started walking. When they took those first steps, you cheered and praised them for their major accomplishment. Well, the praises don’t just end there. As your kids get older you still want to praise them for things they accomplish, and at grade school age, their confidence is built on what you think of them and their capabilities.

You can still praise your child, but praise them for the effort they put in, but be realistic with them as well. Let them know that certain things take time, and if they’ve given the time and effort, and still haven’t produced positive result, then it’s okay to move on to something else.

Give Your Child Compliments

Praising your child also includes giving compliments. If your daughter has on a pretty dress, tell her how lovely she looks in her dress. If your son wore a suit for his school pictures, tell him how handsome he looks. Boys, may act like they don’t like the compliments, but give them compliments anyway. Deep down, they like hearing that they look good. This will definitely give them a boost of confidence, as well as give them a new look on their self worth.

Embody Self Love

How are you going to teach your child self love if you don’t show self love to yourself? One way of embodying self love is to reward yourself on certain things, and be proud of it. If you received a promotion at work, celebrate your accomplishment. When you celebrate it, do it with your kids, telling them about the efforts it took to make this accomplishment. Then you can point out the positive aspects in them and let them know how those aspects can take them far in life.

We of course think our kids are beautiful inside and out, but do they see their own beauty within? If your child can see the beauty within themselves, then there’s no stopping them. Kids can say negative things to them and it not bother them because you’ve already instilled in them that they’re just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.

Share the Love

You may not be an expert in most things, but one thing you are an expert in is your children. You’ve been a mother long enough that you know the tips and tricks to parenting like the back of your hand. If that sounds like you, share your parenting tips through a blog. You’ll first want to find a domain name that will be fitting for your blog’s content.

Through your blog, you can share stories with other parents about your back to school adventures, cute outfit of the week, and the highs and lows of being a parent, because it’s not easy, and sometimes sharing experiences with other parents can be really helpful and therapeutic for some. So if you’re the perfectly imperfect parent, share that knowledge – your blog could be the cure to other parents keeping their sanity across the globe!

Ways to Instill Self Love and Confidence in Your Children Early


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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