Two Years of Taking Blogging Seriously

Two years ago today I decided to take blogging seriously. I was writing on my old WordPress blog – Red and Babyled sporadically and thought it might be nice to go self hosted and focus on it a bit more, aim to try and make something of it or at least to give me something to do in the evenings when Dave was at work and until I went back to work after maternity leave.

So at 6am that morning, when Little Man woke for the day, I bought three years hosting and a brand new domain name – Redhead Babyled was born. Since then I have blogged every single day and some days I have posted more than once depending on the amount of content I have that I need to get online. It’s been a busy two years but I wouldn’t change a moment of it.

Two Years of Taking Blogging Seriously

The last two years have been amazing, full of opportunities, exciting emails and great conversations with PRs but more than that the last two years have seen me build such a great network of friends both online and off, who I can talk to, laugh with and who completely understand this thing that I do online.

Back in January What the Redhead said was born – with the help of Zoe – and it feels like I have come home. This space online now feels like me, it feels like a slightly older, slightly more grown up Redhead Babyled and I know it is where I will always be – there won’t be any more name changes here – although I may tweak the colour scheme every so often!

Two Years of Taking Blogging Seriously

In two years I feel like I have learnt so much, achieved so much and changed so much. I have taught myself a lot about blogging, about social media, planning my time and being organised. I have learnt about tax returns and the wonder that is self employment. I have learnt about a whole world that I didn’t even know existed before I went self hosted with the blog and I love this world I have found myself in. I love the friends I have made, the experiences I have had and I absolutely love being a blogger.

Here’s to many more years doing this thing that we do on our little spaces online. I love it and can’t wait to see where the next few years take us.

Two Years of Taking Blogging Seriously


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. You said to me early on to go self hosted sooner rather than later and I took your advice and am very thankful!
    I love your blog as you know and it’s one I come to regardless. Keep up the good work! xx

  2. Happy Blogiversary!
    You really are a shining example of how to blog, you’ve archived so much and all so well deserved from all your hard work xx

  3. Happy 2 years blogging Donna. I am coming up to my 2 years blogging birthday and I really need to make the leap and go self hosted. I have my own domain name but just need to sit down and DO IT. I love your blog and all the help and advice you give to people x

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