Painting {The Ordinary Moments}

One thing we’ve never done a lot of is painting. I have a complete complex about mess and dread anything ‘messy play’ in case our house gets destroyed. But recently I caved in and thought I’d see how LP found painting for the first time.

We had a coverall and block paints that we’d bought at Ikea a while back and we won some paint pens from Beebies Baby Store last Christmas which we dusted off. LP couldn’t quite get used to the block paints – having to wet the brush, then wet the paint and mix it up was a bit too difficult for LP and so I think next time we’ll choose standard poster paint!

The paint pens were great though, you just squeeze for the paint to come out and they’re a lot less messy than poster paint and a brush – just a bit limited on colour choices! LP coped really well with these pens and knew exactly what to do!

Painting {The Ordinary Moments}

Our first painting experience was fun and not that messy, surprisingly! I have now asked LP’s grandparents to buy her an easel for her Birthday at the end of the month and I have already got a box full of poster paints to use. I can see our future being full of toddler creativity!

Painting {The Ordinary Moments}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. My kids adore painting, though like you, the mess can put me off so I have to be in the mood! My daughter can just use powder paints now, which is no messier than crayons really, but when Little Man gets involved, it requires more prep!

  2. I’m terrible for not painting with E because of the mess :/ (threw her last set of paints in the bin lol). Must make an effort to start doing it with her again x

  3. I’m another one who doesn’t like mess – I’m quite glad Toby is going to get to do messy play at nursery so I don’t have to clean up! It looks like LP is having fun though 🙂

  4. Oh I’m so glad you gave painting a go! I’ve had to relax my fear of mess because Milin LOVES painting. We actually just gave Jasmin her first try recently and she loved it too. We don’t do anything fancy, just paints, paper, and brushes – but they usually end up using fingers! Looks like LP had loads of fun. It’s a good rainy day activity to have up your sleeve too. xxx

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