Living Arrows – 25/52 {2017}

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows. I am loving how many people have decided to make Living Arrows a part of their blogging routine for 2017, it is so lovely to have you all here. It’s definitely one of my favourite parts of each week!

If you haven’t joined in with Living Arrows before it’s is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.

Each week I share two pictures from our week – one of each of our children – but you can share one or more pictures that capture a moment of childhood. The following week I’ll share my three favourite photos from the week before, linking back to the owner’s blogs.

So if you would like to link up, grab a badge and post around a photo of childhood from the previous week. I look forward to reading your posts and make sure you visit a few of the other posts that have linked up and leave a comment too!

Living Arrows

Here are a few of my favourite photos from last week:

Battle Mum


One Small Human

This week’s photos were both taken yesterday. We had a bit of an all over the place with Dave working a night and us having a lot of stuff to do at home – as well as it being the hottest day of the year so far. But, we still managed to take the children to the park to ride their bikes – which wasn’t as idyllic as LP makes it look in this photo… But hey, we got out and we got home again in one piece!

Living Arrows - 25/52 {2017}

Before we went to the park we had a little photoshoot in the garden for an upcoming collaboration. The children had to put school uniform on – at the weekend – which they thought was hilarious. Especially Little Man as this was the first time he’d worn uniform – ready for starting school in September. I love his cheeky cheese face and how grown up he looks.

Living Arrows - 25/52 {2017}

I’m really looking forward to reading your posts this week. If I thought a lot of people joined in for the first week then I was amazed at the amount that joined last week! I’m going to keep commenting on all of the posts that link up and sharing my favourite photos each week. Thanks so much for taking part and for adding to this great little community we’re creating – make sure to go and comment on a few other posts at some point during the week too.

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  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. It was so hot yesterday wasn’t it, it’s bad enough for us adults but for children it’s worse I think. At least got out and did something, we opted to stay home in front of a fan. I can’t believe it’s that time again to start thinking about school uniform for September ! Your little man looks super adorable and very grown up.

  2. A picture doesn’t always tell the whole story does it, but she looks happy that’s for sure. And your boy in his school uniform made me melt. We’re in complete and utter denial! xx

  3. Lovely photos, I love the grin on his face… that’s just TOO cute! He’s looking very grown up in his uniform. Bike riding looks like fun, it’s perfect weather for it at the moment!

  4. I love that little fairy door photo. I don’t think it’s as hot here, still nice though. Glad you got to go out and do something. Your little dude looks so cute xx

  5. Little Man’s face is brilliant. It must be really weird putting uniform on early, let alone when you’ve not started school yet

  6. School uniform at the weekend? How novelty! Though a few years from now you might have a harder time persuading them to done their uniforms on a weekend.

    Lovely photos again! I always wanted a bike with the dangly bits off the handlebars. So fab.

    Thanks for including my photo this week 🙂

  7. This weather is crazy, isn’t it! I’m not going to complain though! 😉 Lovely photos, I love Little Man’s cheeky grin. <3

    Thanks for hosting x

  8. Thanks so much for featuring us this week Donna. Love the other two pictures too. LP certainly makes it look like it was a nice day out and Little Man’s face is a picture!

  9. Oh look at LM’s face in his uniform! We need to start thinking about getting Toby’s soon – he has to wear a shirt and tie though so I’m not sure how that’s going to go down! (And I want LP’s handlebar ribbons)

  10. I was so emotional when my eldest tried his school uniform on for the first time. It was SO cute!!! Little Man looks gorgeous, and it is going to be such a big change for you in September! A totally new stage of life for you all. The hottest day of the year was sweltering! xx

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