Living Arrows – 20/52 {2017}

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows. I am loving how many people have decided to make Living Arrows a part of their blogging routine for 2017, it is so lovely to have you all here. It’s definitely one of my favourite parts of each week!

If you haven’t joined in with Living Arrows before it’s is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.

Each week I share two pictures from our week – one of each of our children – but you can share one or more pictures that capture a moment of childhood. The following week I’ll share my three favourite photos from the week before, linking back to the owner’s blogs.

So if you would like to link up, grab a badge and post around a photo of childhood from the previous week. I look forward to reading your posts and make sure you visit a few of the other posts that have linked up and leave a comment too!

Living Arrows

Here are a few of my favourite photos from last week:

Mudpie Fridays


My Sentimental Jamboree

This week’s photos are both pretty similar. LP went on a school trip on Thursday and she just looked so grown up in the morning, with her school jumper on and she was so gloriously happy too that I had the urge to take a picture. I don’t have many school uniform photos of her, just the ones where she starts a new school year, so I love this photo a little bit more because of that.

Living Arrows - 20/52 {2017}

Little Man’s photo was taken on Tuesday, just before he turned four on Wednesday. I wanted to take a photo to mark the occasion, to use when I look back at him on each birthday and I can’t get over, just like LP, how grown up he looks. Unlike last year there is no baby left in him now, he is a fully fledged little boy and I think this year is going to be a perfect one for him.

Living Arrows - 20/52 {2017}

I’m really looking forward to reading your posts this week. I’m going to keep commenting on all of the posts that link up and sharing my favourite photos each week. Thanks so much for taking part and for adding to this great little community we’re creating – make sure to go and comment on a few other posts at some point during the week too.

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  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I think that’s the best thing about taking these weekly photo’s of the children is that you can see those small changes that you wouldn’t normally notice. Children grow so fast before your eyes. I hope Troy had a lovely birthday x

  2. I’m the same with Alice in her uniform, I need to take some more photos. I bet she loved the trip, Alice has one after half term and is very excited. I still can’t believe Troy is 4, definitely no more baby x

  3. It’s amazing as to how much they can change in a year isn’t it? Sometimes even when we haven’t seen friends children for a week or so, we can really notice how much they have changed and grown.

  4. I do love taking the weekly pictures of the kids, it’s nice to see them grow and change over time. I hope Troy had a lovely birthday and his arm is doing better. xx

  5. Thanks so much for including Lily’s picture this week. As ever, I LOVE this project and the measure of time it shows for my kids. I also enjoy checking out everyone’s photos for inspiration. LP & Little Man are sure looking grown up.

  6. Thank you for attempting to comment on my blog again after it was down during your first attempt. I really appreciate it. I hope the weather improves for you in time for the weekend! Not very often the weather is better up north, we must have had our summer last weekend ?x

  7. It’s lovely to take portraits of them sometimes isn’t it? These are such sweet pictures and will make you look back and smile. I think 4 is such a fun age! Lovely photo picks too, I especially like the swing picture. xx #LivingArrows

  8. Aww, I love these – I think it’s so nice to get a good close up portrait shot every once in a while, it really makes you realise how much they change.

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