Living Arrows – 26/52
This week has been full of work for me – working four days instead of my usual three, and fitting so much into the other days after spending last weekend at Britmums Live. I haven’t picked up my camera much this week except to take some snaps in the garden.
LP is loving picking things up and investigating them at the moment – especially flowers and flower petals. Even the smallest petal she’ll pick off the floor and describe it’s colour, how bit it is and how pretty it is before putting it in a pile somewhere. She loves flowers and loves the adventure of finding things in the garden.
Little Man has mastered the art of drinking from an open top cup this week – so much so that he would rather drink water from a cup than eat his dinner. A typical two year old I think. Cup drinking will definitely be a supervised activity until further notice but I can’t help but feel proud of the little things the children accomplish. He is growing so fast.
I love LP’s hair, it is sooo lovely! I still don’t leave Lucas with an open cup unsupervised, he can’t be trusted 🙂 xx
LP is only allowed an open cup at dinner time! x