Blogger Behind the Blog {Adventures in Websterland}

Here’s this week’s instalment of Blogger Behind the Blog where I interview a blogger all about their reasons for blogging and what it means to them. This week I’m joined by Angela from Adventures in Websterland.

Blogger Behind the Blog {Adventures in Websterland}

Here’s Angela with more about her blogging life:

Where did your blog name come from?

I had a YouTube channel first called Wonderland Freebies which was slightly inspired by Alice in Wonderland. When I decided to start a blog I wanted an adaptation of that so I settled on Adventures In Websterland. I’ve often thought about changing it, especially after someone asked me where it was thinking it was an attraction ! It’s grown on me now though.

When did you start your blog and why?

I started blogging on June 24th 2013 so five years ago now. I started reading blogs in 2010 and always wished I had the courage to start one of my own.

What did you do before you blogged?

Two years before I started blogging I left my job at Asda where I had worked for just over 10 years. The childcare for Daisy would have cost more than what I could earn so I decided to pursue working from home instead. I worked as a receptionist for a few years when I left school too.

What was your first post?

My first post was an introduction about who I was and what my blog was going to be about.

What inspires you to blog?

My family inspire me to blog, I love having a written record of the many adventures we’ve had over the years. I also take a lot of inspiration from fellow bloggers, especially those that have had wobbles like me over the years but have carried on and grown their blogs into something wonderful.

What post has had the best response, which post are you most proud of and which post did you enjoy writing the most?

My money saving and frugal posts have the best response traffic wise, I have Pinterest to thank for that. The post I’m most proud of writing and that I enjoyed writing the most is this one about love. I don’t do many deeply personal posts so it was really cathartic to write this one.

Have any of your posts not had the response that you expected?

Not really, I stick to pretty much to uncontroversial topics so I don’t really have expectations about the response any of them will receive.

Where do you see your blog in a year’s time?

I’ve actually just decided to branch out and try some new things on the blog so I’m hoping in a years time that would have taken me closer to my goal of earning a more consistent income. All I know for sure is that I will still be here blogging away.

What is your favourite thing about blogging?

My favourite thing is the community. I’ve made some real solid friendships through blogging It’s brilliant being able to share the highs and lows of blog life with people who totally understand.

…and your least favourite?

My least favourite aspect is all the admin and technical behind the scenes stuff. It’s totally necessary but I really would rather be writing or taking photos.

What’s the best blog post you have ever read? It’s this post about the unfair stigma of diabetes by The Cornish Mum. I read it at a time when I was struggling with my own diagnosis and the guilt and shame I felt about it. Stevie’s post really helped me to think about my diagnosis in a whole new way and face up to my thoughts and feelings.

What blog do you love to read and why?

There are just so many ! I’m particularly drawn to travel blogs like North East Family FunLife of SpicersThe Williams World and Extraordinary Chaos they all inspire me to see more of the world. I’m really eclectic in my blog reading from money to lifestyle to reading I love it all.

Do you do anything differently now to when you started blogging?

I do so many things differently now. My confidence has grown immensely and I’m not afraid to push outside of my comfort zone and try new things. The photo’s on my blog are totally different now, I bought a decent camera and actually learned how to use it.

Is blogging what you expected it to be?

Blogging is so much more than I ever expected it to be. It’s taught me so much both professionally and personally.

What’s been your favourite blog collaboration to date?

I used to run a weekly linky with a fellow blogger who’s no longer blogging sadly. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts and finding new blogs to read. Collaborating with other bloggers is a lot of fun and definitely something I would love to do again at some point.

Are there any brands you would love to work with, why?

I would love to work with a hotel or holiday brand, I’m hoping to include some budget travel features in the future.

Have you had any blogging fails so far?

I don’t feel like I have had any fails, if the things I try on the blog don’t work then I just move on to try something else. I have had a few wobbles over the years almost giving up twice but thankfully I had a change of heart.

What is your biggest blogging hope, dream or ambition?

My biggest blogging dream is to make it my full-time job. I’m happy to keep evolving and adapting to make that possible.

What do you do when you’re not blogging?

When I’m not blogging I’m either playing with the kids, reading or cleaning. I’m also partial to a Netflix binge watch marathon.

and lastly, tell us all a random fact about yourself I still have three of my original baby teeth, although one is on it’s way out I still think that’s pretty amazing.  

Blogger Behind the Blog {Adventures in Websterland}

Now that you know all about Angela from Adventures in Websterland, make sure you go and read her blog. Make sure you follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram too. Thanks so much Angela for being involved!

Blogger Behind the Blog {Adventures in Websterland}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Aw Angela you are such a lovely person, I love reading your blog too. And I agree about the confidence thing, I have always been uber confident however I have done things I would have never ever considered doing through blogging and met the loveliest people x

  2. I love your take on Alice in Wonderland as inspiration for your blog name Angela. Thanks for the shoutout that’s a lovely unexpected surprise today.

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