A-T-H-E-N-A {The Ordinary Moments}
Welcome back to another week of the Ordinary Moments. If you haven’t joined in before this is a weekly linky that launches every Sunday morning and is open until midnight on the following Saturday. It’s a linky that celebrates any ordinary moments in your life – or the not so ordinary some weeks too. Basically – anything goes. I’ll be sharing and commenting on the posts that are linked up during the week and there’s a badge at the bottom of the post if you’d like to add it to yours too.
It feels like such a long time ago that Little Man used to call LP ‘Sister’ instead of her name, not being able to pronounce it properly and saying sister as a simple alternative. Now though, his speech is pretty perfect. He’ll correct himself if he says something wrong and if he can’t quite get the word to sound how he thinks it should sound he’ll try repeatedly until he gets it right. Speech therapy was the best thing he could have had and it definitely worked for him – he has come on massively since he started, and finished, the process.
Things have moved on a level for Little Man though. He’s now in Year 1 at school and can read and write as if he’s been doing it his whole life. He’ll read words or spell them out until he works out what they are, making the right sounds and putting them together. Often it feels like his brain is working at a million miles an hour and he’s constantly processing so much in the world around him.
Since he started school though he has started something new, and cute, that we have all come to love and smile at whenever it happens. Instead of calling LP sister or even her name, he will spell her name out. So if we say whose turn is it to do something he’ll say A-T-H-E-N-A. If we ask who his favourite person in the world is he’ll say A-T-H-E-N-A and if he wants to get her attention he’ll say A-T-H-E-N-A.
I had almost forgotten he does it – it happens so often that we hardly notice it now – but the other day LP said, ‘I love it when you spell my name out like that’ and she really meant it. It makes her feel special, cared about and loved. Plus, it was pretty much the first word he learnt to spell as LP was learning to read and write when he first had an interest in letters so A-T-H-E-N-A has definitely rubbed off on him and cemented itself in his head.
LP is Little Man’s favourite person. He adores her, looks up to her and just wants to be around her as much as he possibly can. He loves her and him taking the time to quickly say A-T-H-E-N-A when he’s talking about her shows just how much she means to him. I know he won’t do it forever but for now it’s something worth holding onto, a symbol of how much her brother cares about A-T-H-E-N-A.
If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up – I’m looking forward to reading the moments that you share and will comment and share them on Twitter through the course of the week. Thanks so much for taking part.
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That’s just adorable how he spells her name out. I love that LP told him how much she likes it too!
Aww that is just the cutest. So pleased to hear he is coming on and his confidence is growing xx