Living Arrows – 47/52
This is one of those weeks. Those weeks where you hardly see you camera, let alone pick it up. I had most of the week off work but as Dave was working lates and nights it felt like I was by myself with the kids quite a lot being busy with preschool, play dates and running errands. We haven’t had a family day out this week although we did get a few hours at our Nephew’s 3rd Birthday party today after Dave slept off his night shift which was a lovely way to finish the weekend.
This week I only have one photo, taken on my iPhone and not the greatest of pictures but it sums up our week. This is LP and Little Man in Mummy and Daddy’s bed, watching TV and drinking milk before bedtime. This is a treat that is reserved for when Daddy is at work – they know these nights are harder for me so we skip baths sometimes and watch TV and snuggle instead.
The coming week I’m working 4 days rather than three, as Dave worked so much last week I couldn’t fit my third day in but I will try and actually use my camera at some point during my days off.
They are so adorable. I wish Toby would sit still for five minutes! He just wants to be off exploring the whole time!
Oh chick this is EXACTLY what I do when the hub is not around and when he is away? The girl sleeps with me. A bad girl I know. I care not! x
Aaahhh what a lovely treat, great to record these little things x