Blogger Behind the Blog {One Frazzled Mum}

Here’s this week’s instalment of Blogger Behind the Blog where I interview a blogger all about their reasons for blogging and what it means to them. This week I’m joined by Tracey from One Frazzled Mum.

Blogger Behind the Blog {One Frazzled Mum}

Here’s Tracey with more about her blogging life:

Where did your blog name come from?

I actually don’t know. I originally blogged under a different name but after moving from free WordPress to blogger, I decided I wanted a new name. Like most things, it randomly popped into my head and stuck. However, it is a perfect description of me!

When did you start your blog and why?

I started around 4 and half years ago but never really took it seriously until I moved to blogger and count my blog birthday as 14th Feb. I first came across blogs when entering competitions and decided I wanted to do it too. But a friend started one and I didn’t want to do it because she had. So I left it a little while. Then one day after a disastrous school run, I opened my phone, installed the WordPress app and hashed out my first post.

Blogger Behind the Blog {One Frazzled Mum}

What did you do before you blogged?

I worked, and still do, in retail.

What was your first post?

It was about how cliquey some of the mums on the school were. I know it has been done to death and it wasn’t any good but still, I will never forget it.

What inspires you to blog?

These days I write because I just love writing. I love writing stories and fiction and this is what you can find on my blog mostly these days. I just love the freedom my blog gives me to express who I am and how it is an outlet for all the weird and random things going around in my head.

What post has had the best response, which post are you most proud of and which post did you enjoy writing the most?

Oh, that’s a hard question. I’m not really sure what post had the best response but possibly this one The Spider, The Web and Me. It is one of my favourite posts too and I would say one I am most proud of as I wrote it at a really difficult time in my life. The post I enjoyed writing the most was this Vileda mop review. I made up a character as a way to liven up a mop review and it really was so much fun to write.

Have any of your posts not had the response that you expected?

Yes, all the time. I sometimes struggle to convey my thoughts properly and a lot of people seem to take it the wrong way. I think it’s the way I write more personal posts and the reason I still don’t do so many. I find they sound great in my head but to others, they don’t seem to come across the way I think they do.

Where do you see your blog in a year’s time?

Honestly, pretty much where it is now. I know we should hope to be bigger and better, but for me, my blog is a hobby and I am really happy with it as it is. So I would just like to see it continue to be what it is for me right now. If it is, I would be more than happy.

What is your favourite thing about blogging?

Writing the posts. I love just writing.

…and your least favourite?

Everything else. The social media, the SEO, the scheduling. Social media the most though as I’m not the most sociable person anyway and really struggle with this.

What’s the best blog post you have ever read?

I have read so many I honestly don’t know what my favourite ever post is.

What blog do you love to read and why?

Right now I am loving Coffee, Cake and Kids. Rachel is just so honest and seems to write everything I want to write but better. I seem to read a lot of her posts and be like Yes, This!

Do you do anything differently now to when you started blogging?

Everything. I am learning all the time. It may take me longer to get there but I do everything differently these days. Back then I saw no benefit in good images, it was all about the words. I didn’t practise SEO or even have my posts make any sense. I really was (still am sometimes) a rubbish blogger. So if you compare my first 2-3 years of posts to my posts today, the difference is really noticeable.

Is blogging what you expected it to be?

Yes and no. I expected it to be something amazing I would love, which is totally true. But it is also harder than I could ever have imagined. The things I know now that I had no comprehension of back then is unreal. But the hard work is worth it and I have never been prouder of my blog and what I can do than I am right now.

What’s been your favourite blog collaboration to date?

There are so many. If I am being honest, it would have to be working with Bags of Love. I have worked with them a few times now and they are always so brilliant and easy to work with. Their products are amazing too.

Are there any brands you would love to work with, why?

Up until recently, I really wanted to collaborate with AO (is it sad reviewing a vacuum was top of my wishlist?) but now I have and twice. I need a new company to top my collaboration list. I have already worked with so many brands I never even thought I would be able to. In my wildest dreams, it is Disney on a trip to Paris or Disney World I’m not fussy. But in reality, right now I don’t actually think there is. I’m still at that point where I am happy anyone would like to work with me!

Have you had any blogging fails so far?

So so many. From being late to seeing Santa at the Trafford Centre a few years back to getting posts wrong and having prs have to tell me to correct things in my post. I strive for good feedback and as an anxiety sufferer, having someone tell me I need to correct something can stress me out more than it should. But thankfully these are few and far between.

What is your biggest blogging hope, dream or ambition?

For people to actually read my blog! Honestly, I am not the best at putting myself out there so people reading it makes my day. But my dreams, in my head, is this. Cue scenario of Hollywood proportions. A midnight search on twitter unearths a link to one of my stories. The person making the search is floored by the talent and potential of this little unknown blogger and instantly reaches not only offering a 5 book deal but also movies rights.

What do you do when you’re not blogging?

In no particular order, I attempt to parent my now tween-aged daughter (unsuccessfully 99% of the time), go to my part-time job and binge watch Grey’s Anatomy over and over again.

and lastly, tell us all a random fact about yourself

I have no sense of smell.

Blogger Behind the Blog {One Frazzled Mum}

Now that you know all about Tracey at One Frazzled Mum, make sure you go and read her blog. Make sure you follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram too. Thanks so much Tracey for being involved!

Blogger Behind the Blog {One Frazzled Mum}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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One Comment

  1. Ah my husband has no sense of smell either so you are not alone. My wish list is also to review a vacuum lol and despite pitching a few times have got nowhere. Typical as my 17 year old Vax is held together with sellotape lol x

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