Signs You Should Change Your Skincare Routine | AD
*This is a collaborative guest post
Having a stable skin care routine can be comforting, but the truth is it does not last forever. There are times when your skin starts showing signs that it’s time to change up your routine by making a few tweaks. It sounds stressful, but believe and trust, it is not and we’re here to help make the process a little easier to navigate. Here are some signs you need to look out for.
Pay attention to the results
Is your skin care routine making you look better? Is it effectively making the changes you need? The amount of time you’ve put in to achieve a desired result depends on the problem you are trying to fix. For example, are you trying to minimize the signs of aging? Perhaps it’s time to introduce an anti aging face mask. It is typically recommended that you wait for results no more than six to twelve weeks when trying new products.
Experiencing breakouts
This might happen when you make changes to your skin care routine, a phenomena known as skin purging. Generally, it happens with products that cause increased cell turnover such as hydroxy acids or retinoids. If you experience breakouts especially somewhere new, it is definitely time to say goodbye to your existing skin care routine or make some changes.
Too dry
Certain ingredients like retinoids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, alcohol, and artificial fragrances should be avoided at all costs especially if you have dry skin. For relieving dryness you can look at these 10 ways to soothe dry skin.
Too oily
Over-using exfoliants or cleansers can cause oily skin. You might want to switch to a gentle cleansing face cream if your existing cleanser is a problem. A common misconception is that oily skins do not require moisturisers. Without moisturiser our skin will compensate for the loss of hydration with more oil, which leads to breakouts and uneven texture of skin. To stay safe, avoid these bad ingredients for oily skin.
Irritation, burning, and redness
Redness is a surefire sign that you need to make changes. Avoid using hot water to wash your face or applying medication for acne on an unpinned pimple. Experts say that tingling of any sort should not occur for more than 3 seconds. Having a burning or tingling sensation is an immediate sign you should change up. Beauty is not always pain, remember.
Yes, it might be fun to try out new skin care products in the meantime discovering your skin’s holy grail, but, do not constantly throw random products in and out of your skin care routine. Be wise, be safe, and be beautiful.