Living Arrows – 30/52 {2017}
Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows. I am loving how many people have decided to make Living Arrows a part of their blogging routine for 2017, it is so lovely to have you all here. It’s definitely one of my favourite parts of each week!
If you haven’t joined in with Living Arrows before it’s is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.
Each week I share two pictures from our week – one of each of our children – but you can share one or more pictures that capture a moment of childhood. The following week I’ll share my three favourite photos from the week before, linking back to the owner’s blogs.
Also – something new here, I will be trying to resurrect the Living Arrows Instagram account! So, use #LivingArrows on Instagram and follow @LivingArrows_ and then I will share my favourite images each week – I’ll probably try and do one a day but we’ll see how I go! I’ll probably feature the previous week’s images the following week. Anyway, follow and use the hashtag and we’ll see what happens!
So if you would like to link up, grab a badge and post around a photo of childhood from the previous week. I look forward to reading your posts and make sure you visit a few of the other posts that have linked up and leave a comment too!
Here are a few of my favourite photos from last week:
Rachel Swirl
This week’s photos were taken over the weekend. LP has been practicing her handwriting by writing a holiday diary of what we have been doing each day of the holidays. She already has so much to write and we’re only four days in!
Little Man was sitting on the floor, in his pyjamas, watching TV and I found myself looking at his feet. His feet used to be so small. It feels like yesterday that he was a baby and he’s now finished preschool ready for school in September and suddenly his feet look so big, like I’ve suddenly realised he isn’t a baby anymore at all.
We’re off on our holidays in a couple of days for two weeks so I won’t be around to comment/share on your posts although I will do the link up each week and pick three photos to feature. Because of this, if you could comment on one or two more this week I’m sure it would be MUCH appreciated by everyone. Normal service will resume when we get back!
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My sentimental Jamboree photo is gorgeous! Keeping a diary is such a good idea. She will love reading it back one day. Also I kind of feel the same about both my kids as you feel about little man. Can’t believe how quickly time is passing x
Have a fantastic holiday and first time I’ve visited your site refresh from a laptop… It looks brilliant!
A holiday diary is such a good idea, writing won’t be so daunting on the return to school. Children seem to shoot up out of nowhere and you suddenly realise they are not little anymore. I noticed that Jake’s legs were almost at the end of his toddler bed this week ! Have a lovely holiday x
arg! Just realised I forgot to comment on last week’s pics! Off to do it now as well as this one! Have a fab holiday! Let’s hope you have some nice weather! #LivingArrows
I love your choice of pictures! Also, I love Little Man’s picture. And I used to keep diaries when I was smaller. Lovely to see LP starting. #livingarrows
Oh, look at the concentration on LP’s face! And there’s something sweet about baby/toddler feet isn’t there? Why less so with adult feet!?
Thanks Donna. I’m on hols this week so will comment later on when I’ve got more reliable broadband
Hope u guys have a fab holiday
I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Lovely that LP has so much to write about already! #LivingArrows
Diaries are treasured possessions later on. How wonderful she has so much to write about. Have a super holiday! Thanks again and again for this wonderful project.
Bless her writing a diary. I used to do things like that when I was young.
A holiday diary is such a fab idea. They seem to grow so quickly all of a sudden don’t they? I hope you have an amazing holiday xx
We are doing a scrapbook with Alice over the school holidays and she loves it. Have a amazing holiday lovely x
Hope you have a wonderful holiday look forward to hearing all about it.
A holiday diary is such a fun idea, I bet you’ll have so much to look back on! Have a fantastic holiday 🙂 xx
Lovely pictures as ever – Toby has had massive feet for ages (he’s a size 11 already!) but Gabe’s still look like little baby feet. Hope you’re having a lovely holiday!
Lovely pictures and gorgeous picks from last week. Oh I know what it is it about our kiddies feet?! I came across my LP’s baby foot prints the other day and just couldn’t believe how SMALL they were! They grow so fast! xx